Chat Room Learning

What is a nickname or nick?

A nickname, commonly called a 'nick', is a user's name. It's the name that everyone else sees talking when that person talks. On some clients, a user can also change his nick while chatting.

What is a channel or room?

A channel, commonly called a 'chan', is also referred to as a 'room'. A room is where everyone goes to talk to one another. A room always has a founder, the person who registered the room. A room will almost always have room operators, as well.

What is a room operator?

A room operator, sometimes called a 'moderator' or 'op', is someone who has the power to kick/ban users, voice users, and set room modes.

What is voice?

Voice is what a room op can give a user so that the user can always talk, even if the room is mode +m (strictly moderated). It usually shows up as a + next to the user's nick.

What is an SOp?

An SOp is a Super Op, a type of room op who has the power to permanently give or take room op or voice in a room.

What is a room mode?

A room mode is an option that room ops can set for the room. A room op can set room modes with this command:
/mode #

Here's a short list of common room modes:

+m - Strictly moderates the room. That means that no one who isn't a room op or voice can talk.
+c - Users cannot talk in color.
+d - Users cannot change their nicks in the room.
+i - Makes the room invite only. That means that a room op must invite non-ops in. An op can invite himself with this command:
/cs invite #
+l N - Limits the room. That means that only N people can be in the room at a time.
+L - Language filter. Strips many vulgar words that may be sent to the room. The word will be replaced with asterisks.

What is a user mode or umode?

A user mode is similar to a room mode, except that it is for a user, not a room. A user can set a user mode for himself with the following command: /umode

Here is a short list of common user modes:

+x - People cannot see the user's real IP address or host. This is set by default and cannot be removed.
+m - People can't send private messages to the user.

What is an IRCop, network operator, or netop?

An IRCop is someone who administrates the chat server. Other terms are 'network operator' or 'netop', for short. A netop can disconnect a user, ban a user, or reset a password if it is lost, among other more technical duties. If online, a netop can be found in #support.

How do I change my nick?

To change his nick, a user can type this command:
        /nick <newnick>
where <newnick> is the desired nick.

In some cases, room mode +d might be on in the room, in which case the user must part the room to change his nick.

How do I join a room?

To join a room, use this command:
        /join #<room>
where #<room> is the room you want to join. For instance, if you wanted to join #ShadowRealm, you would type:
        /join #ShadowRealm

How do I leave a room?

To leave a room, use this command:
        /part #<room>
where #<room> is the room you want to leave. For instance, to leave #ShadowRealm, you would type:
        /part #ShadowRealm

How do I register my nick?

Sometimes it's a good idea for a user to register his nick. With a registered nick, a user can be a room op or voice in a room. It also protects that user's nick from being used by other users.

To register a nick, the following can be used:

        /attach <password> <e-mail>

where <email> is a valid email address, and <password> is a secure password. A user should NEVER give his password to anyone.

After a user has registered his nick, he will want to identify to it every time he connects to the chat room. This means that he will be recognized as the real owner of that nick, and if he is a room op or voice he will have access to those privileges. To identify, type this command:

        /identify <password>

A user must be sure that he is currently using the nick that he wants to identify to. If he is not, he will have to change his nick first.

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